ImageGlass Theme Pack

Customize the appearance of ImageGlass by creating your own theme pack. An ImageGlass theme pack is an archive file with a .igtheme extension that can be opened with any archive viewer, such as WinRar or 7Zip, or simply change its extension to .zip and open it with File Explorer on Windows.

This documentation guides you through creating a theme pack for ImageGlass version 9 or above.

Theme Pack Structure

A theme pack folder should contain the following:

  • 1 igtheme.json file: This essential file stores all theme settings and enables ImageGlass to recognize the theme pack.
  • 1 theme preview image file: ImageGlass displays this image file as a theme preview in the Settings dialog.
  • SVG icon files: These are for toolbar icons, the app logo, and other visual elements.

All of these files should be placed in a folder named THEME_FOLDER. The structure should resemble the following:

    |- igtheme.json
    |- theme preview image file
    |- SVG icon files...

The THEME_FOLDER should follow this naming convention:



  • theme-name is the name of the theme, separated by hyphens -.
  • author-name is the name of the author, separated by hyphens -.

For example: Kobe.Duong-Dieu-Phap, 2017-Light-Gray.Duong-Dieu-Phap.

THEME_PACK.igtheme follows a similar convention, with the extension:


For example: Kobe.Duong-Dieu-Phap.igtheme, 2017-Light-Gray.Duong-Dieu-Phap.igtheme.

Create a Theme Pack for ImageGlass 9

Step 1. Create the theme pack folder structure

Step 2. Create the igtheme.json file

This is the most crucial file in the theme pack, providing all the necessary SVG icon files to the ImageGlass app, along with other theme information. The structure of this file is in JSON format, detailed as follows:

  "_Metadata": { // see step 2.1
    "Description": "ImageGlass theme configuration file",
    "Version": "9.0"
  "Info": {
    ... // see step 2.2
  "Settings": {
    ... // see step 2.3
  "Colors": {
    ... // see step 2.4
  "ToolbarIcons": {
    ... // see step 2.5

💡 For a complete example of igtheme.json file, please refer to dark/Green-Gradient.Duong-Dieu-Phap/igtheme.json.

🟢 Step 2.1: Section _Metadata

Provides the metadata of the ImageGlass theme pack. Do not alter this section.

Key name Value Description
Version "9.0" Version of the configuration file (do not change it)
Description "ImageGlass theme configuration file" A constant description (do not change it)

🟢 Step 2.2: Section Info

Provides basic information of your theme pack.

Key name Example value Description
Name "Moon light" The name of your theme, visible in the ImageGlass theme list
Version "1.0" The version number of your theme
Description "A Moon light dark theme for ImageGlass" A short description of your theme
Author "Duong Dieu Phap" The author who created this theme pack (optional)
Email "" The author's contact email (optional)
Website "" The author's website (optional)

🟢 Step 2.3: Section Settings

Provides general settings of your theme pack.

Key name Example value Description
IsDarkMode true Theme pack color mode; the default value is true
NavButtonLeft "ViewPreviousImage.svg" The left arrow navigation button SVG icon
NavButtonRight "ViewNextImage.svg" The right arrow navigation button SVG icon
AppLogo "logo.svg" The logo of ImageGlass, displayed on the title bar of all windows
PreviewImage "preview.webp" The preview image of the theme pack; recommended formats include WebP and JPG

🟢 Step 2.4: Section Colors

Defines the color scheme of ImageGlass. All colors should be in HEX code (web format), including alpha values.

Example: #fff, #fffa, ffffff, ffffffaa, etc. ImageGlass also supports using the system accent color for your theme pack:

  • You can use "accent" as a color value
  • You can adjust the alpha value of the accent color using this syntax: <accent>:<alpha>. The alpha value should be from 0 to 255. Example: "accent:70".
Key name Example value Description
BgColor "#151b1f00" Background color of the viewer
TextColor "#d3d3d3" Text color of the viewer
ToolbarBgColor "#1E242900" Background color of the toolbar
ToolbarTextColor "#dedede" Text color of toolbar buttons
ToolbarItemHoverColor "#ffffff33" Background color of toolbar buttons when hovered
ToolbarItemActiveColor "#ffffff22" Background color of toolbar buttons when pressed
ToolbarItemSelectedColor "#ffffff44" Background color of toolbar buttons when selected
GalleryBgColor "#1E242900" Background color of the gallery
GalleryTextColor "#dedede" Text color of gallery thumbnails
GalleryItemHoverColor "#ffffff33" Background color of gallery thumbnails when hovered
GalleryItemActiveColor "#ffffff22" Background color of gallery thumbnails when pressed
GalleryItemSelectedColor "#ffffff44" Background color of gallery thumbnails when selected
MenuBgColor "#1E2429" Background color of the menu
MenuBgHoverColor "#ffffff15" Background color of menu items when hovered
MenuTextColor "#dedede" Text color of menu items
MenuTextHoverColor "#dedede" Text color of menu item when hovered
NavigationButtonColor "ff000015" Background color of the navigation arrow buttons

🟢 Step 2.5: Section ToolbarIcons

Provides icons for the toolbar. All icon files should be in SVG format for better scaling on high DPI screens.

Key name Example value Description
ActualSize "ActualSize.svg" The "Actual size" button
AutoZoom "AutoZoom.svg" The "Auto zoom" button
Checkerboard "Checkerboard.svg" The "Checkerboard" button
ColorPicker "ColorPicker.svg" The "Color picker" button
Crop "Crop.svg" The "Crop image" button
Delete "Delete.svg" The "Move to the Recycle Bin" button
Edit "Edit.svg" The "Edit" button
Exit "Exit.svg" The "Exit" button
Export "Export.svg" The "Export" button when the "Page navigation" tool is open
FlipHorz "FlipHorz.svg" The "Flip horizontal" button
FlipVert "FlipVert.svg" The "Flip vertical" button
FullScreen "FullScreen.svg" The "Full screen" button
Gallery "Gallery.svg" The "Gallery" button
LockZoom "LockZoom.svg" The "Lock zoom ratio" button
MainMenu "MainMenu.svg" The "Main menu" button
OpenFile "OpenFile.svg" The "Open file" button
Pause "Pause.svg" The "Pause" button when the "Page navigation" tool is open
Play "Play.svg" The "Play" button when the "Page navigation" tool is open
Print "Print.svg" The "Print" button
Refresh "Refresh.svg" The "Refresh" button
RotateLeft "RotateLeft.svg" The "Rotate left" button
RotateRight "RotateRight.svg" The "Rotate right" button
Save "Save.svg" The "Save image" button
ScaleToFill "ScaleToFill.svg" The "Scale to fill" button
ScaleToFit "ScaleToFit.svg" The "Scale to fit" button
ScaleToHeight "ScaleToHeight.svg" The "Scale to height" button
ScaleToWidth "ScaleToWidth.svg" The "Scale to width" button
Slideshow "Slideshow.svg" The "Slideshow" button
ViewFirstImage "ViewFirstImage.svg" The "View the first frame" button when the "Page navigation" tool is open
ViewLastImage "ViewLastImage.svg" The "View the last frame" button when the "Page navigation" tool is open
ViewNextImage "ViewNextImage.svg" The "View next image" button
ViewPreviousImage "ViewPreviousImage.svg" The "View previous image" button
WindowFit "WindowFit.svg" The "Window fit" button
ZoomIn "ZoomIn.svg" The "Zoom in" button
ZoomOut "ZoomOut.svg" The "Zoom out" button

Step 3. Copy Icon and Image Files to The Theme Folder

Step 4. Add a Theme Preview Image File as Specified in Step 2.3

Step 5. Pack Your Theme

Rename your theme folder to match the naming convention, compress the whole theme folder as a .zip file, and change the extension to .igtheme.

Example: Moon-light.Duong-Dieu-Phap.igtheme.

Step 6. Share Your Theme

After creating an impressive theme, don't forget to share it with others. You can:

  • Open an issue here, and attach your fantastic theme; or
  • Send your theme pack (.igtheme) to the email.